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These 3 Examples Prove That Ownership Is Out (And Subscriptions Are In)

Last Updated On Wed Mar 13 2024

You put in your AirPods, hit play on your new favorite playlist and step on the treadmill. The music starts and your feet get moving. You’re feeling good, despite the early hour. In this moment, does it occur to you that you’re just borrowing that album?

Or that you’re just a subscription member of your gym — on a rolling monthly contract — without owning any of the equipment yourself?

The answer to all these questions is probably: no.

The sharing economy has slid so easily into our lives that we hardly even really notice it. And yet, it seems crazy to think that – not so long ago – this very scenario would not have been possible.

From the way we consume music, to films, clothes and even cars, subscription services are shaping almost every aspect of our lives for the better.

Here’s a rundown of three examples that showcase the myriad of ways that ​owning is out, and subscriptions are in.

For designer clothes without the expense: borrow them!

They say you should dress for the life you want, but that’s not always possible when most of your monthly outgoings are used up on rent and eating out.

That’s why more and more people are turning to brands like The Black Tux and Rent the Runway for high-end clothing they can wear and return.

And leasing isn’t just for luxury goods, at least not according to MUD’s “lease a jean” campaign. Promoting a model they term “the circular economy”, fashion is moving to a use-and-reuse system that values use over ownership.

This may be just the solution to achieving a more sustainable, and dynamic approach to fashion. You can refresh your wardrobe ad-libitum as your heart desires, without worrying about the expense or the impact on the environment.

So whether you do it to look great, help save the world or make your money go that bit further, subscribing to clothes could be your next step.

Drive the car that your heart desires, with no strings attached…

Unless you’re a trained mechanic, there’s a lot to learn about the buying, running, and the re-sale of a car.

But what happens if you take a subscription-based solution and apply it to the world of the cars?

You get cars on demand.

In many ways, borrowing a car on a rolling contract, for anywhere between 1 month and many years, makes so much sense. You don’t need to worry about servicing or the nitty-gritty of driver insurance — and if your someone that likes change, you can just request a new car that suits your needs.

So you want to drive a small city car one day and a fancy sports car the next? With the subscription model – you can. Now it’s easier than ever before to make your car fit your lifestyle, affordably and without the commitment or up-front cost of ownership.

We think it’s a no-brainer, which is why we’ve made it our mission to bring car subscriptions to the region.

For all those “odd job” home improvements, sharing saves space and money

An electric drill, pressure washer or hedge trimmer — it’s the sort of thing you need once and while, but probably (definitely) don’t have space to store.

Organizations like The Library of Things are bringing communities together to share these one-off requests, so neighbors don’t have to clutter up their homes with dusty toolkits.

It’s a sharing system that has been tipped to “change the world”. And it’s easy to see why. You use what you need, when you need it, and then you give it back. It’s better for the environment, your bank balance and promotes communities to come together and pool their resources for social good.

And, let’s face it, who wouldn’t want to borrow a cinema sized TV screen for the next World Cup?

We think owning is so over — don’t you agree?

If these three examples are speaking your language, then click here to start your all-inclusive car subscription with Invygo, today.

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